Friday, September 17, 2010

Yet another adorable thing that came from the mouth of our little girl

So, I know that we have blogged a lot lately about Naomi, but I think that she is just thriving here... so anyways, we have to share this one too. A couple of days ago, Naomi woke from her nap before Caleb and so Steve offered to let her watch a movie. Some of the new movies we bought for the kids have the option to be watched in Portuguese or English, so Steve asked Naomi what language she wanted to watch the movie in this time (lately we have been having the kids watch the movies in Portuguese about 5 or 6 times and then let them watch it in English to give them some words for things they weren't picking up before, then go back to Portuguese). Naomi's response to Steve was (ah, I wish you could hear the tone...) "Portuguese, Daddy... we already know English, but we need to learn Portuguese" Ahhh, she is SO my daughter :)

1 comment:

  1. It is so wonderful and inspiring to hear about the adventures and trials you are experiencing! Every story is a confirmation of the value of M!ssons. Every experience stokes a fire of intercultural service in my own life! I hope that I get an opportunity as exciting as the one you've been blessed with! Prayers and encouragement your way!
